The Idaho Lottery on Tuesday announced the winning numbers in the sold-out, 2017 version of the Idaho $1 Million Raffle.
The $1 Million winning number is 1 1 9 6 6 4.
In addition to the top prize, the Idaho Lottery also announced the two $10,000 prize winning numbers from this year’s game: 0 9 5 4 0 7 and 0 9 2 2 0 8.
For all 6,900 prizes, players can check their tickets for winners at idaholottery.com, by calling the Idaho Lottery Winning Numbers Hotline at 208-334-4656, or by visiting an Idaho Lottery retail location.
All winning tickets of $1,000 or higher in the raffle must be claimed at lottery offices in Boise. Players will have 180 days after the draw to claim their prizes. (Idaho Statesman)