New Medicare ID cards mailed to Idaho residents


The newer, safer version of the Medicare identification card is on its way to Idahoans who utilize the federal health plan.

Unveiled this past spring, the new ID card is designed to help prevent fraud and identity theft. Old Medicare cards that once relied on a member’s Social Security number are being replaced with a new, 11-character identifier using digits and letters uniquely designed for the Medicare beneficiary. The cards now being mailed automatically at no cost to Idaho residents and should arrive within the next few weeks.

Officials warn Medicare recipients to be aware of suspicious or fraudulent callers requesting payments or soliciting private information in order for the card to be sent. Idaho is part of the sixth wave of the federal card distribution process.

Government officials say all 60 million Medicare enrollees nationwide should have the new card by next April, though health care providers will continue to honor the old card through the end of 2019. (Idaho Department of Insurance)


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