The Idaho Senate has passed a statewide ban on cellphone use while driving. The Senate last week voted 30-5 to send to the House a bill that prohibits drivers from using their cell phones, computers, or any other electronics while operating a motor vehicle. Violators would face a 75 dollar fine for a first offense. Fines jump up to 150 dollars for a second offense within three years, and 300 dollars for every offense after that within three years. Under the measure, hands-free cellphone use is allowed, as is making and receiving phone calls via one touch or voice command- Using a cellphone for GPS would also be permitted. Exemptions are included for emergency responders, law enforcement, and utility workers as long as their cellphone use is for responding to a utility emergency. The legislation nullifies any local laws or ordinances regarding cellphone use while driving. The measure is now under consideration by the House Transportation and Defense Committee. (Idaho Democratic Caucus, East Idaho News)