Governor Little tours monoclonal treatment facility, touts vaccinations


Idaho Governor Brad Little toured a state-sponsored monoclonal antibody treatment facility in Coeur d’Alene today (Wed) to highlight the effectiveness of the treatments in saving lives and reducing hospitalizations, but cautioned they are not meant as an alternative to receiving the safe COVID-19 vaccine.

The State of Idaho is partnering with Heritage Health and Northwest Specialty Hospital to provide the treatments at the Coeur d’Alene Fairgrounds. The state also recently partnered with Mountain View Hospital in Idaho Falls to offer the treatments, and another location will be set up soon in the Treasure Valley.

Hundreds of Idahoans have avoided a trip to the hospital by receiving the treatments, which helps preserve healthcare capacity.

The three state-sponsored facilities are in addition to the 32 Idaho hospitals that already offer monoclonal antibody infusions in Idaho.

In most instances, individuals must test positive for COVID-19 and have a doctor’s referral to receive the treatments.

Antibody treatments have received Emergency Use Authorization, which means they are safe, but the Pfizer vaccine has received full FDA approval. (Office of Idaho Governor Brad Little)

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