Corps proposes dredging operations near Clarkston port


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to propose a dredging operation near the Port of Clarkston next year.

The Lewiston Tribune reports Lt. Col. Rick Childers, who oversees the Walla Walla District, met with the Asotin County Commission Monday to discuss dredging near the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater rivers. Officials say sediment has been building for the past 6 years, and immediate action is needed.

However, Port of Clarkston officials say a secondary channel should also be considered for dredging operations to accommodate the berthing areas for cruise ships and barges.

Childers is going to Washington D.C. next month to ask for funding for the project in the district’s 2023 budget. If successful, dredging could begin as soon as next year. (Lewiston Tribune)

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