Lewiston city staff to meet and discuss potential homeless shelter options


Lewiston city staff members are meeting with representatives of Intermountain Fair Housing and the LC Valley Adult Resource Center to discuss options for a low-barrier homeless shelter.

Those two groups wrote a letter to the city at the end of June, stating the opportunity to acquire the proposed site at 1332 G St. had passed and that the council’s decision essentially created a situation where no site in Lewiston would meet the city’s criteria for low-barrier homeless shelters.

The Lewiston Tribune reports in the letter, the groups suggested the city’s community center be used to serve the purpose of the low-barrier homeless shelter — giving a place for homeless people to be at night as long as they met minimal criteria including not posing a threat to themselves or others.

After receiving the letter, Lewiston City Council President Hanna Liedkie suggested officials with the cities of Lewiston and Clarkston as well as Nez Perce and Asotin counties meet to discuss the valley’s homeless problem and work together to find a solution.

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