Idaho Republicans vote to make all abortions illegal with no exceptions


During it’s annual convention, Idaho Republicans voted to make all abortions illegal – including those that would save the life of a mother.

Scott Herndon, a candidate for the Idaho Senate who is running unopposed in the general election, proposed adding language to the party platform about abortion. While language already existed in the platform classifying abortion as murder from the moment of fertilization, Herndon’s language added that the party supports the criminalization of all abortions within the state’s jurisdiction and said Idaho’s Constitution should be amended to include a “declaration of the right to life for preborn children.”

The delegation did approve an amendment to Herndon’s language to exclude miscarriages from criminal penalties.

The Idaho GOP platform also includes a new section saying the party believes parents, not the state, have a sacred duty and right to rear their children in the manner they see fit. It also said the party believes a child’s gender assigned at birth to be an essential characteristic of identity and purpose.

The approved platform also includes language stating the party’s primary should be open to all people who affiliated as Republicans at least one year before the primary election and support a “vast majority” of the party platform. There is also a new section of the platform stating the party supports the repeal of the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gives Congress the power to levy and collect income taxes.

The platform and approved resolutions are considered official now that the convention has adjourned. The state central committee will still need to approve rules that were adopted by the delegates. (Idaho Capital Sun)
