Idaho Board of Ed reminds parents about ‘See Tell Now!’ tool to curb school violence


With the school year kicking off, Idaho State Board of Education President Kurt Liebich is reminding parents and school leaders about a tool to keep students safe.

See Tell Now!, which is offered by the Idaho State Board of Education’s School Safety and Security Program, is a confidential reporting system that can connect people who have information, with people who can intervene and prevent school shootings such as the recent tragedy in Uvalde, Texas. People can send an email, text via a dedicated app, or they can call 888-593-2835. See Tell Now! is staffed 24 hours a day, according to Mike Munger, school safety and security program manager.

Information about the See Tell Now! is posted in prominent places in schools, where students and parents can see it and learn about the program.  Munger encourages parents to reach out to administrators at their students’ school to see if they are involved. School Administrators interested in enrolling in the See Tell Now! tip line can contact the Idaho School Safety and Security Program via email at See Tell Now! is paid for by the state, so there is no cost to schools to enroll and make this resource available to their campus community.

That tip line number again is 888-593-2835 and you can download the app on the Apple App Store and Google Play.

To find out more about See Tell Now!, click here.

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