Oil leak from Little Goose Dam may have polluted Snake River


A hydroelectric turbine at Little Goose Dam near Starbuck has been shut down after workers found it may have leaked hundreds of gallons of oil into the Snake River.

According to a news release from the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, agency workers confirmed oil is leaking from “Main unit #1” at the dam and said over the past 90 days, 300 to 600 gallons has been lost and is not recoverable.

However, the agency has not been able to identify the type of sheen on the river that is common with oil leaks. Absorbent booms have been deployed to capture additional leaks that may occur and the leak is being repaired.

Regulators with the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Coast Guard, Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission and Washington Department of Ecology have been notified of the leak.

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