CLARKSTON, WA – Washington State Senator Mark Schoesler (R-Ritzville) was in Clarkston today for a press tour to talk about various issues including the upcoming session of the Washington State Legislature. It gets underway January 9th and is scheduled to last 105 days.
Lawmakers meet annually on the second Monday in January in the Capitol building in Olympia. In odd-numbered years – the budget year – the Legislature meets for 105 days, and in even-numbered years, for 60 days.
Schoesler says one of the biggest challenges of this long session is the budget. Governor Jay Inslee released his proposed $70.4 billion budget this week.
One of the positives about this upcoming session, Schoesler says, is that the State is “not in financial hot water yet” regarding the overall budget picture.
Schoesler has represented District 9 since 2005. His current term ends on January 13, 2025.