Lewiston City Council Clarifies City Code on Temporary Warming Facilities


LEWISTON, ID – The Lewiston City Council approved amendments to Section 42-1(b) of the Lewiston City Code to exclude temporary warming facilities from the definition of a homeless shelter. Such a temporary facility includes a structure or structures intended and designed to be portable and for temporary or transient use, such as a tent or tents, and associated, ancillary equipment and facilities, such as heating units and portable toilets, all of which are intended to provide a warming space for persons without housing.

According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, there are 2,315 people in Idaho experiencing homelessness. Washington State has 22,923 homeless people.

From City of Lewiston:

This change further clarifies that such temporary warming facilities are not a land use subject to the provisions in Chapter 37 of the Lewiston City Code (Zoning Code). In summary, this means temporary warming facilities are allowed on any private property in the City and are not subject to the conditional use permit process required for homeless shelters. However, all other applicable City Codes, including all International Codes adopted by the City, such as the International Fire Code and International Building Code, would continue to apply to temporary warming facilities. This code change contains a sunset clause, taking effect on the first official day of winter, Wednesday, December 21, 2022, and will expire on the first day of spring, March 20, 2023.

The City understands that inclement weather conditions pose a safety risk to the entire community, especially those experiencing homelessness. The City also understands that dangerous weather conditions may occur quickly, or without warning, and could be life-threatening. Therefore, this code clarification helps to provide certainty in addressing the needs of the community during these cold winter months.