The Idaho Lottery will the winning ticket for the $1 Million Raffle tonight.
250,000 tickets were sold in a record 23 days last fall in the promotion’s 16th year.
The Idaho Lottery will announce the winning numbers for the Idaho $1 Million Raffle tonight at 4:59 pm Pacific Time.
In addition to the $1,000,000 top prize, the Idaho Lottery will also announce the two winning numbers for the $10,000 prizes. This year’s Idaho $1 Million Raffle game offered over 15,000 prizes, more than any previous Raffle game, including 100 prizes of $100, 250 prizes of $75, 900 prizes of $50, and 13,750 prizes of $15.
For all 15,000 prizes, players can check their tickets for winners tonight at idaholottery.com, by calling the Idaho Lottery Winning Numbers Hotline at 208-334-4656, using the Idaho Lottery’s free, mobile Check-a-Ticket app, or by visiting an Idaho Lottery retail location.