LEWISTON, ID – Despite the warm October, a cold November and December helped bolster Idaho’s snowpack to above normal levels by January 1st. The Natural Resources Conservation Service in Idaho released the January Water Supply Outlook Report for the 2023 water year (WY23) and officials say although there are still several months left in the snow accumulation season, the snowpack through much of the state is already halfway to reaching normal peak snowpack conditions.
The Clearwater region’s precipitation is at 83% of normal while the Salmon region is at 94% of normal.
Meanwhile, Asotin County’s Sourdough Gulch (just west of Cloverland) is at 200% of normal for snow-water equivalent and Spruce Springs is at 119% of normal.
“The 2023 water year is off to a good start, but last year serves as a good reminder that continued snowfall is required to reach normal peak snowpack conditions and ensure adequate springtime runoff,” the report says.
“We are on track to meet water supply needs this irrigation season at this point in the winter, but there is still a lot of winter ahead of us. This year, with low reservoir carryover, we are dependent on the snowpack continuing to build and stay above normal to meet irrigation demand,” officials add.
While the snowpack is well above normal throughout the state, in order to fully recover from drought we need an ample snowpack to replenish depleted reservoirs and provide sufficient springtime natural streamflow before irrigation deliveries begin.
The past two years clearly demonstrated that the snowpack isn’t the entire Idaho water supply story. Spring precipitation, the timing of snowmelt, soil moisture, and shallow groundwater conditions play a major role in water supply as well.
Current condition maps of streamflow, snowpack and precipitation can be accessed on the NRCS Idaho Snow Survey web page.
For information on specific basins, streams, and reservoirs, please view the full report online at January Water Supply Outlook Report.
For more information about the Idaho Snow Survey Program, please visit the Idaho Snow Survey Homepage.