WA Supreme Court Chief Justice González Delivers State of the Judiciary Address (Listen/Watch)


OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington State Senate and House of Representatives gathered for a joint session today to hear State Supreme Court Chief Justice Steven González deliver the State of the Judiciary Address. He told those gathered, which included numerous dignitaries, that through the COVID-19 pandemic, the Court has forged stronger bonds together.

González says the pandemic has been a challenge to the judicial branch to provide equitable access to justice to everyone throughout the entire crisis and it made it clear there are inequities in our judicial system.

González says they have identified and confronted many barriers to a fair and open system. Meanwhile, he highlighted several topics from the past couple of years – including the Washington Indian Child Welfare Act.

González says the pandemic left thousands without jobs and many have faced eviction and even health issues as a result of that.

New technologies were adopted during the pandemic which has helped keep courtrooms open – sometimes just virtually.

González says their work is not done because deep disparities remain.

You can watch the State of the Judiciary here:

Press release:

Washington State Courts – Washington Court News
