SPOKANE, WA – A 58-year-old Spokane woman was arrested after she reportedly confessed to killing and dismembering her 35-year-old son last June. According to KXLY, Spokane County deputies arrested Christine D. Catelli. She was booked into jail on a charge of 2nd-Degree Murder in the shooting death of Chase Catelli.
On January 14th, deputies responded to a suspicious call report, where the caller said his sister confessed to shooting and killing her son last summer.
Deputies then contacted the suspect in Northwest Spokane.
The Sheriff’s Office also said deputies contacted the witness, who said Catelli had been struggling with substance abuse addiction, but thought she had been doing well and making progress.
The witness drove Catelli from his home in western Washington back to Spokane County to report the crime and recover the victim’s remains, according to the Sheriff’s Office.
Detectives say Catelli confirmed the information with them, and explained she shot her son several times at a home near Spangle, wrapped his body in a black plastic bag, and dumped his remains last summer near Rock Lake in Whitman County.
Detectives say they located a large plastic bag containing human remains in the area Catelli described, and secured the scene until the next day, KXLY reports.
Spokane County Press Release: https://www.spokanecounty.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=4267