OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington State Health Care Authority intends to submit State Plan Amendment 21-0003 to update the language of Attachment 3.1-A and 3.1-B, Section 13d: Rehabilitation Services, of the Medicaid State Plan. They deal with the amount, duration, and scope of medical and remedial care
and services provided to the “categorically needy.”
The language changes to the State Plan will:
- Structural changes to regroup services
- Aligning allowable provider type(s) with DOH scope of practice
- Added Co-Occurring Disorder Professionals as an allowable provider type
- Reference Team-based model within Crisis Stabilization (including peers)
- Removed outdated MH peer language
- Increased transition of care services to SUD
If approved by the legislature, a new provision will be added that would allow Medicaid funds to be used on problem gambling treatment services, which are currently paid for with state funds. This State Plan Amendment is the first phase in a longer-term plan.
How can I comment on the state plan?
- Read the public notice.
- Read the draft of the State Plan Amendment.
Email Jessica.Diaz@hca.wa.gov