OLYMPIA, WA – A pair of Washington State lawmakers will hold a “Crime Victims Call to Action” on the north steps of the Capitol Building in Olympia. The March 15th event will include other legislators and crime victims to highlight and honor the many victims of crime throughout the state.
“We are in the process of gathering any and all stories and testimonials from crime victims from all walks of life. Too often, crime survivors and loved ones bear the physical, emotional, and psychological trauma in silence. My hope is that we can provide a safe outlet to share stories about how crime has impacted your lives and how you live with the scars every day. Or, what it would mean to you to live in a safe and clean community,” Representative Jenny Graham (R-Spokane) says on her website.
Meanwhile, Representative Michelle Caldier (R-Port Orchard) told KTTH that she and Graham are both crime victims.
Graham’s sister was a victim of the Green River Killer.
“If you or someone you know would be willing to send me an email or set up a time for a phone conversation to discuss your story, please do so. Crime knows no political party, no race, no religion. We can all be impacted and we all deserve to be heard. We already have several pictures of deceased crime victims with their stories along with permission to honor them,” Graham says.
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