Hungry Ridge Restoration Supplemental Analysis Available

KAMIAH, ID – A Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared by the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests for the Hungry Ridge Restoration Project in response to a June 2022 court order enjoining the Hungry Ridge and End of the World projects on the forest. This analysis presents updated information about the Hungry Ridge Restoration Project’s potential environmental effects related to old growth and both projects’ potential cumulative effect on old-growth forests. Additional stand exams were conducted in 2022 and 2023 to verify old growth locations and types.

“The analysis shows there would be no significant impact from proposed treatments to old growth amounts and characteristics. Actions would enhance old growth health and resilience into the future,” says Zone Silviculturist, Casey Seaman.

All action alternatives meet Forest Plan Appendix N standards to maintain a viable population of old-growth-dependent species. The proposed activities require a project-specific amendment to the 1987 Nez Perce Forest Plan.

“We are excited to get the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement out for comment, so we can continue the planning process and implement this critical project in the Priority Landscape,” stated Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest Supervisor, Cheryl Probert.

Specific written comments on the Hungry Ridge Restoration Project, Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement will be accepted for 45-days following the publication of the Notice of Availability in the Federal Register, which is anticipated to be on March 10, 2023. The Forest is asking for substantive comments only on the content of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. Please visit the Hungry Ridge Restoration Project webpage to review the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and read the letter from Jeff Shinn, Salmon River District Ranger, on how to provide comments (

The Hungry Ridge Restoration Project is located in the Forest’s Salmon River Ranger District approximately 17 miles southeast of Grangeville within the Mill Creek and Johns Creek watersheds, tributaries to the South Fork of the Clearwater River.  The project is in the Nez Perce-Clearwater – Lower Salmon Landscape identified for forest health investments made possible through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and will directly benefit at-risk communities in Idaho.  The project treatments are designed to reduce the risk of large stand-replacing fires, such as the Williams Creek, Teepee Springs, and Hanover wildfires, within portions of three national High-Risk Priority Firesheds. The project forest health and watershed improvement treatments are designed to reduce fuel loading near private lands and homes; benefit overall watershed function and fisheries habitat; and enhance wildlife habitat. Project activities include prescribed fire, thinning forested stands, meadow restoration, regenerating more resilient forests, and infrastructure improvements. These activities will provide emergency responders with more options for strategies and tactics to address wildfires. The project lies entirely within the Nez Perce Tribe’s ceded territory and will contribute to the restoration of critically important cultural landscapes.

Due to the location and importance of the project activities to address the wildfire crisis, the Forest is requesting approval from the Secretary of Agriculture to implement the project as an Emergency Action Determination project (PL 117-58, Section 40807). Should the Secretary grant an Emergency Action Determination, this project will not be subject to the pre-decisional objection review process. It is therefore critical that you provide feedback on this project during the designated scoping and comment periods, as the public will not be able to raise additional project concerns during an objection period.

Questions about the Hungry Ridge Restoration Project can be directed to Jeff Shinn, Salmon River District Ranger (208- 839-2103) or Jennie Fischer, Interdisciplinary Team Leader (208-983-4048).