Crews continue to battle the nearly 24,000 acre Elkhorn Fire burning in the main Salmon River.
The fire has destroyed several structures, including seven buildings at Allison Ranch and one at Yellow Pine Ranch.
Yesterday (Thur) the fire was most active in the drainages of Bargamin Creek on the northeast perimeter; Rattlesnake Creek and Crow Foot Creek to the east; and Magpie Creek and Dillinger Creek in the southeast area of the fire.
The focus of efforts on the northwest side of the fire perimeter is a point protection/confine and contain strategy using direct and in-direct firefighting tactics. Fire crews have made a lot of progress prepping bridges, cabins, lodges and historical sites. Structure protection primarily involves setting up a system of water pumps, hose lines, and sprinkler systems around values at risk.
Firefighters have completed prepping China Bar, Campbell’s Ferry and Bridge, Whitewater Ranch, Big Mallard Creek Bridge, Bargamin Bridge. Work is continuing on Arctic Lodge, Arctic Point, Reho Wolfe, and Reho Wolfe Bridge.
The road to Whitewater Ranch remains closed to public traffic. Currently, a Temporary Emergency Closure is in place on roads, trails, and the area east of Mallard Creek drainage and through the Bargamin Creek drainage, and north of Bat Point. Trail Closures are also in place on the Payette National Forest side of the river as well.