MCCALL, ID – Firefighters have prepared structure protection for values at risk across the northwest area of the Elkhorn Fire, primarily Magruder Ranch and Vitta Point areas, as the fire grew to an estimated 24,025 acres. There were large strides in planning a network of contingency firefighting lines that tie into Magruder Road while taking advantage of fire scars, trail systems, and existing previous control features.
“Long-term planning has begun for firefighting strategies that recognize the differing terrains north and south of the Salmon River. Hand crews have begun work on the contingency lines north of the river to protect property, roads and trails. Mop-up has begun in the Trout Creek area and is progressing well,” fire officials say.
Today an Unmanned Aerial System (drone) arrived to conduct infrared operations if aircraft are not available. Structure protection along the river corridor just east of the fire continues but has been hampered by inversions and thunderstorms that limit helicopter flights. The six assigned helicopters remain valuable tactical assets and will be used as frequently as weather permits. Wrapping with fire resistant aluminum foil-type material will soon begin on the Sheep Hill lookout.
From the Payette National Forest:
Rainfall yesterday reached one-fourth to one-half inch across the landscape of the river corridor, a wetting rain that temporarily reduced smoldering heat and inhibited fire spread. However, a negative aspect of heavy rainfall is the potential for mudslides and for burnt logs to roll down hillsides. A significant chance of some lighter precipitation and scattered thunderstorms continues through Monday.
The US Forest Service Nez Perce-Clearwater and Payette National Forests issued the Elkhorn fire area, roads and trails closure order #01-17-05-23-003, https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/nezperceclearwater/alerts-notices/?aid=82169. The closure area spans both sides of the Salmon River but “excludes the Salmon River Wild and Scenic Corridor below the high-water line.”
Beginning today boaters are required to stop at Hancock Campsite on river-left at river mile 26.1 to receive further instruction from a Forest Service representative regarding passing through and camping in the area of the Elkhorn fire. Camping, recreating (i.e., picnic, bathroom breaks and beach walking) and stopping through the area of fire activity is allowed with some exceptions. Upon leaving Hancock Camp there will be no stopping until boaters pass Magpie Creek Camp. After passing Magpie Creek Camp, boaters will be allowed to camp and recreate on a First Come, First Served basis everywhere except: Upper Allison, Allison, Lower Allison, Whitewater Camp, Campbell’s Ferry and China Bar. Upon leaving China Bar, there are no camping restrictions connected to the Elkhorn Fire.
An Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is in place. All aircraft (including drones) not assigned to the fire are required to remain out of the TFR area. This includes those intending to land at private ranches under the TFR.
Visit Inciweb for information on wildfires at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov, and follow the Payette National Forest on Twitter at @PayetteForest, and on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/payettenational forest