Pullman Students Artwork to be Unveiled Friday


On Friday, January 5 at 12:15PM at Pine Street Plaza, the City of Pullman will unveil new artwork on flood wall panels created by local students.

In total, sixteen 4’ x 8’ flood boards had works of art painted by students from the following schools:

  • Jefferson Elementary School
  • Kamiak Elementary School
  • Sunnyside Elementary School
  • Pullman High School
  • Pullman Christian School
  • Pullman Community Montessori

This artwork was made possible by City Council Resolution on November 14, 2023. In this resolution, City Council created a one-time interim rule allowing for these flood panels to be composed of artwork containing images common to the area, flora, fauna, and water features. In addition, the artwork could not contain words, man-made structures, people, or religious iconography.