U.S. Census Bureau: Washington’s Median Income Higher Than National Average & Idaho’s is Lower


LEWISTON, ID – The U.S. Census Bureau’s statistics show that Washington State’s median income in 2022 was significantly higher than the national average, which is $74,755, and Idaho’s average of $72,785 per year. The Evergreen state’s income was reported as $91,306.

The nation’s population was 331,449,281 in the 2020 Census. Washington State’s population was 7,705,281 and Idaho’s was 1,839,106.

The agency says nationally, 60.3% of the population was employed in 2022, while 61.1% of Washington residents had employment and 60.2% of Idahoans worked.

Nationally, 35.7% of the population has a bachelor’s degree or higher, while that number is 39.5% in Washington; 32.3% of Idaho’s population has a four-year degree or higher.

The median age is 39 years old nationwide, while Washington and Idaho’s average age is 38.4 and 37.5, respectively.

The older population – people age 65 and older – makes up 17.3% of the nation’s population, 16.8% of Washington’s, and 17% of Idaho’s.

The average family size in the U.S. is 3.11, while Washington’s is 3.05 and Idaho’s is 3.14 family members.

When it comes to health, 8% of the U.S. population does not have healthcare coverage, 6.1% of Washington residents are without health insurance, and in Idaho, that number is 8.2%.

The Census Bureau says 13.4% of the nation’s population is considered disabled, while 13.5% of Washington’s population is disabled and 14.1% of Idaho residents are disabled. Ambulatory difficulties are the main ailment for those who are disabled.

U.S. Military Veterans make up 6.2% of the nation’s population, 7.7% of Washington’s, and 7.9% of Idaho’s population are veterans.

The average rent across the nation is $1,300, but is higher in Washington and lower in Idaho with averages of $1,630 and $1,138 per month, respectively.

The median home ownership in America is 65.2%. In Washington, 64.2% of residents own their home and Idaho’s rate is 72.3%.

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