MOSCOW, ID – City of Moscow Police Chief James D. Fry has announced that he will retire from the department in May after nearly 29 years with the agency. He began his public service career as a reserve officer with the Moscow Police Department in 1993 and was hired as a Patrol Officer in June 1995. During his years of service, Fry has also held the ranks of Patrol Corporal, Patrol and Detective Sergeant, Services and Detectives’ Unit Lieutenant, Campus Division Captain, and eight years as the Chief of Police.
Fry is a graduate of the University of Idaho holding Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Criminal Justice and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy.
From the City of Moscow:
In addition to his service to the Moscow community, Chief Fry was appointed by the Idaho Governor to serve on the Idaho School Safety and Security Board in 2016, the Idaho Peace Officers Standards in Training Council in 2018, and the Idaho Opioid and Substance Use Disorder Advisory Group in 2019. Chief Fry has also served on the Idaho Police Chief’s accreditation Team, as a guest lecturer for the University of Idaho’s Justice Studies program, and on numerous community non-profit boards and organizations.
“It has been my honor to serve and protect the citizens of Moscow and to contribute to the law enforcement profession throughout my career. The Moscow Police Department has embodied the ethos that to whom much is given, much will be required, and we understand the trust that is placed in our officers in serving their community. I am confident that the culture, leadership, and personnel that we have developed within the Moscow Police Department will continue and the Department will remain the excellent example of professional law enforcement that it is today,” said Chief Fry.
“Chief Fry has served our community for nearly 29 years and throughout it all he has served as a shining example of professional community policing that is reflected throughout all aspects of the Moscow Police Department. The community will be forever in debt for the steady and capable guidance of his department and the community through many challenging times. I wish him nothing but the best in this next chapter of his life,” said Mayor Bettge.
Over the next few weeks, the City will begin the process for the selection and appointment of the City’s next Chief of Police.