A panel of three Lewis-Clark State College students and a faculty member will discuss Brown vs. Board of Education as part of Women’s History Month at the college on March 6.
The event will be held at noon in Meriwether Lewis Hall, Room 100, and is free and open to the public.
This year is the 70th anniversary of the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education decision and the panel will discuss the events leading to the case and the significance of it still today, with a focus on how women and girls were integral to the case.
Kaitlyn Dougherty (studying history and secondary education), Cameron Paradise (teacher education), and Jay Raulerson (social sciences and secondary education) are the three students on the panel. They will be joined by Thomas Hill, an assistant professor of literacy in the Teacher Education & Mathematics Division. The discussion will be moderated by Heather Van Mullem, a professor in the Physical, Life, Movement & Sport Sciences Division and recent University of Idaho Law School graduate.
The event is sponsored by the LC State Social Sciences Division. For more information contact Amy Canfield, LC State professor of history, at aecanfield@lcsc.edu.