The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) will hold an in-person public meeting in Clarkston on March 27, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., to discuss the upcoming salmon and steelhead seasons in the central and eastern regions of the state.
This meeting, part of the annual North of Falcon salmon season-setting process, will focus on fisheries in the upper Columbia River (upstream of McNary Dam) and Snake River. WDFW fishery managers will present forecasts and season proposals, and the public will have an opportunity to provide input.
The meeting will be held at Walla Walla Community College Clarkston Campus, located at 1470 Bridge Street. Attendance is limited to in-person participation only. A video presentation detailing the proposed seasons and fishery guidelines will be available for those unable to attend. Comments can also be submitted online.
Each year state, federal, and tribal fishery managers gather to plan the Northwest’s recreational and commercial salmon fisheries. This pre-season planning process is known as “North of Falcon,” a collaborative series of public meetings involving state, federal, tribal and industry representatives, and community members.
For information about additional public meetings discussing salmon seasons, please visit the North of Falcon webpage.