LC Valley Boys and Girls Clubs 17th Annual “BREAKFAST FOR KIDS” Event APRIL 25th


The 17th Annual Breakfast for Kids, an event of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Lewis Clark Valley, is set for Thursday, April 25th , with doors opening at 7am, breakfast served at 7:30am and the formal program at 8:00am.   All expenses for the event are underwritten thanks to the support of CCi/Speer and Regence.  Chairing this year’s event is Club Board Member Chad McVicars

The event also marks the awarding of the prestigious “Don Poe Community Spirit Award,” which will be presented this year to Scott Arnone.  The event will be held at All Saints Catholic Church in Lewiston.

“The Annual Breakfast allows us to generate needed revenue for our Clubs” states Boys & Girls Club Director of Resource Development, Tony Mastroberardino, “but also allows us something equally important, it allows us to recognize outstanding community service, and we are very honored to present this year’s award to an amazing person, Scott Arnone.  In addition to his longtime support of the Boys & Girls Clubs, Scott Arnone has taken the benefits and lessons from his time growing up in the Lewiston Boys Club and has been a very successful businessman and community supporter.  Scott has been a go-to guy for many community projects including Tri State Hospital, Field of Dreams and All Saints Catholic Church and School.  Our community is better because of him.

Equally exciting, the award will be presented by a former Don Poe Community Spirit Award winner, Joe Hall, who was just recently selected by Boys & Girls Clubs of America as the National Board Member of the Year.  Joe and his wife Kelly will be traveling to Atlanta in May, where Joe will be recognized at BGCA’s National Conference.

The keynote address will be delivered by 4 time Super Bowl Champion, and Army veteran Rocky Bleier.  Bleir played college football at Notre Dame, and in 1968 he was drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers.  After his rookie year, he was drafted in the Army, and went to Vietnam were he suffered horrific injuries to his legs and lower body sustained from enemy gunfire and a grenade.  Bleier spent several years rehabbing, and eventual made it back to the NFL with the Steelers, and helped them win their first Super Bowl, along
with 3 more after that.  His story was so inspiring that both a book and a movie chronicled his journey.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Lewis Clark Valley serves more than 3,600 children and youth in a variety of programs.  The organization has Clubs in Lewiston and Clarkston, and these sites are open more than 300 days a year.  Funds raised at the breakfast provide operating support and membership and program scholarships for disadvantaged youth.

For more information and reservations, contact Tony Mastroberardino at 208-746-2301.

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