Twin County United Way of the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley will be accepting grant applications during May from 501(c )(3) or other qualified nonprofit organizations located in Nez Perce or Asotin counties.
The grant application form can be found on the TCUW website at https://tcuw.org/grant-application-form/. The application must be filled out and submitted online and requests must be related to TCUW’s three pillars – education, health or financial stability and cannot exceed $50,000.
TCUW’s key areas of focus in both counties are to increase the percentage of students reading at grade level by 3rd grade (education), help programs that improve the financial stability of struggling households (financial stability), and increase access to mental health/quality health care for the uninsured/under insured and help programs focusing on reducing the death by suicide rate (health). Grant requests that address those specific areas will receive greater consideration.
The application process will conclude at 11:59 p.m. on May 31, 2024. The TCUW board of directors, along with interested community volunteers, will review and score the grant applications. If needed, applicants may be contacted to make in-person presentations during early June. After TCUW’s fiscal year ends July 1 and it is determined how much grant funding is available, final decisions on the grant funding will be made and announced Aug. 1.
TCUW fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in Nez Perce and Asotin counties. The organization continues to do this by partnering with other nonprofit organizations with the goal of making a change in the counties.
For more information on the grants or to volunteer to review grant applications, contact Kristin Kemak, chief executive officer for TCUW, at either kkemak@tcuw.org or call 208-743-6594.