WASHINGTON, DC— AmeriCorps, the federal agency for national service and volunteerism, announced more than $370 million in federal funding for the AmeriCorps State and National program. This funding will support nearly 35,000 AmeriCorps members at more than 300 nonprofit, faith, and community-based organizations.
AmeriCorps volunteers work with 4-H extension offices in north-central Idaho to improve academic engagement and social-emotional skills in youth ages 5-18 through the University of Idaho, Idaho Positive Youth Development AmeriCorps. They also provide environmental education and conduct environmental restoration projects via the Palouse-Clearwater Environmental AmeriCorps Program.
In southeast Washington State, volunteers assist with services from financial counseling and job placement to housing development and foreclosure prevention through the LISC (Local Initiatives Support Corporation); engage military veterans in AmeriCorps national service positions to enable them to make a positive difference in their community and improve their quality of life as a civilian via the Vet Corps – Washington Department of Veterans Affairs program; and with the Washington Campus Coalition for the Public Good – Civic Leadership & Engagement Corps, volunteers foster student leadership, campus-community partnerships, civic and community engagement, and knowledge networks focused on improving the retention and success of underrepresented students, increasing awareness and support for equity and inclusion, and building sustainable campus/community partnerships and resilient communities.
“While the work being done by the members across these organizations will be diverse and meet the unique needs of the communities where they are serving, you will find three things in common. They are evidence-based. When an AmeriCorps member shows up in your community, you can feel confident in the solutions being implemented. Member growth and development is essential. While meeting critical community needs, AmeriCorps members get training, hands on experience, credentials and skills that jumpstart their careers. And, these organizations are addressing the most urgent challenges being faced by the nation. From education and environment to public safety and public health, whenever and wherever America calls, AmeriCorps answers.”
During the press conference, AmeriCorps leaders were joined by Credible Messenger Mentoring Movement and Partners for Rural Impact to share the power of national service. The testimonies shared by AmeriCorps members brought to life the impact of AmeriCorps and the dedication of those who serve, offering a firsthand look at the transformative power of commitment and community engagement.
“Credible Messenger Mentoring Movement’s evidence-based theory of change posits that to break the cycle of justice system-involvement and its long-term impacts on young, Black, indigenous people of color, a sustained investment of time, care and resources in the most impacted communities is required,” said Clinton Lacey, Credible Messenger Mentoring Movement. “The Credible Messenger Corps initiative will demonstrate, via the powerful service-learning construct that is AmeriCorps brand for the last 30 years, that Credible Messenger Mentors can have a transformative impact on an individual, family, community and systemic level.”
“AmeriCorps service changed my life in more ways than one,” said Eliza Cash, AmeriCorps member, Colorado Youth Corps. “First, it made me a more engaged student and member of the community. I found myself wanting to get involved in extracurriculars, undergraduate research and community service projects in my college town as well as my hometown. Since graduating, I’ve been volunteering in local schools to help with science and nature education, and I love sharing local plants and animals with bright young students. Second, I learned practical skills in wildlife surveying, data analysis, and technical writing. I was never just doing busy work – I was preparing for a career, and my supervisor worked with me to explore new opportunities in the position when I expressed interest. Third, I built lasting connections with my supervisors and coworkers on the wildlife crew. Even though we live states apart, I still turn to them for advice and support. I am currently collaborating with two of them this summer to publish research on native bees in Colorado.”
“For the past several years, we’ve had an AmeriCorps grant with members serving in Eastern Kentucky and located in rural high schools, supporting educational outcomes to onramp young people for postsecondary success, leading to economic mobility. Our members, who are mostly local neighbors, have a deep understanding of community networks and resources to move from talk to action and service to young people,” said Mike Hogg, Vice President for Place-Based Partnerships, Partners for Rural Impact. “In this new AmeriCorps grant, we are grateful to be expanding the model we’ve developed in Eastern Kentucky to serve rural young people in East Texas and Central Missouri.”
“When I started my role as a full-time peer tutor and mentor two years ago at Knox Central PartnerCorps, Partners for Rural Impact, I was freshly out of college and needed something to pull me out of the rut that I had managed to fall into. PartnerCorps gave me the opportunity that I didn’t know I needed, and that was to reaffirm what I already knew deep down: I wanted to be a teacher,” said Hayley Smith, AmeriCorps member, PartnerCorps. “I saw all the people that work so hard to help people in need and be a part of that change. I have been a mentor and tutor with students that come from different backgrounds and seeing how their environment truly does have an impact on them and how just one person can make a difference.”
“As an AmeriCorps alum, I have experienced first-hand the impact and transformation service can have on a person’s life – as my service experience changed my life and my life trajectory – inspiring my commitment to public service,” said Sonali Nijhawan, Director, AmeriCorps State and National. “Our grantees are at the heart of this effort, transforming this funding into actionable programs that will make a real difference in the lives of people across the country. As we look to the future, these grants represent more than just financial support—they embody our collective belief in the power of service to change lives, build stronger communities and create a more equitable and resilient society.”
Three decades ago, more than 20,000 Americans raised their right hands and pledged to get things done for America. These members helped more than 1,000 communities nationwide during their first year of service. Since then, more than 1.3 million Americans and hundreds of thousands more AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers of all backgrounds have followed in their footsteps, providing billions of hours of results-driven service across each of the 50 states and US territories.