Red Cross Opens Cougar Creek Fire Evacuation Center in Asotin


The American Red Cross will open an emergency evacuation center in response to the Cougar Creek Fire burning in Asotin County. All individuals under Level 3 evacuations are asked to get to safety immediately.   Anyone in the surrounding area is asked to monitor evacuation levels closely should conditions change.

The Red Cross Evacuation Center is located at the Asotin County Fairgrounds, just off the Asotin-Anatone Highway in Asotin.

Assistance available at the shelter will include food, cots, and other urgent needs. Evacuating residents are encouraged to bring the following for each member of their family: prescription and emergency medication, extra clothing, pillows, blankets, hygiene supplies, important documents, and other comfort items. Additionally, special items for children and infants, like diapers, formulas, and toys, should be brought, along with other items for family members who may have other needs.

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