Air Quality Advisory in Effect for North Central Idaho


An Air Quality Advisory remains in effect for north central Idaho, including the Nez Perce Reservation due to smoke from wildfires. Wildfire smoke may move in and out of the area depending on fire and wind activity; some areas may be more impacted than others. No EPA/Nez Perce Tribe burn permits will be approved. This action will remain in effect until Monday at 10am.

Air quality is currently ranging from the “Moderate” to the “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups” categories of the Air Quality Index.

Those who experience greater health effects from smoke include children under 18, the elderly, pregnant women, people with asthma or have difficulty breathing, those with diabetes, heart problems or otherwise compromised health, and people who have high exposure – those who work, exercise, or spend extensive time outdoors.

Under the most severe pollution levels, sensitive groups should avoid outdoor exposure and limit indoor activities, and everyone should restrict their outdoor activities.