Crapo Presents Spirit of Idaho Award to Warhawk Air Museum Volunteers


Idaho Republican U.S. Senator Mike Crapo has presented his Spirit of Idaho Award to Warhawk Air Museum volunteers in Nampa for their efforts to showcase American servicemember history and educate visitors about the cost of freedom.

“The Warhawk Air Museum is a fantastic showcase of American military history and the cost of keeping our nation free,” said Crapo.  “It is a reminder of the price of freedom borne by the selfless sacrifices of American heroes and their families.  I am proud to honor the Museum’s many volunteers for their efforts to showcase this truth in our local community.  Thank you to each of you for the work you do to honor the legacy of our nation’s military and its veterans.”

The Warhawk Air Museum showcases veteran and military history dating back to World War I.  It will soon break ground on another wing of the museum to honor the post-9/11 Global War on Terrorism.  Its mission is to “Educate visitors about the cost of freedom and honor those who paid its price.”  The museum’s 72 volunteers range in age from 20 to 92, including 48 of whom are veterans of the United States Armed Forces.

 The Spirit of Idaho Award was created by Crapo in 2000 to honor the acts of service by Idahoans for their commitment to improving their community and serving their fellow citizens.  Crapo has presented more than 600 Spirit of Idaho Awards since the award’s inception.