Idaho State Police Celebrates National Forensic Science Week


In recognition of the 7th Annual National Forensic Science Week (NFSW), Idaho State Police (ISP) joins law enforcement agencies nationwide in celebrating the critical contributions of forensic science to the criminal justice system. This year’s event, held from September 15 – 21, 2024, emphasizes forensic science’s pivotal role in delivering justice and safeguarding our communities.

Forensic science is indispensable in modern law enforcement, providing the methodologies and technologies necessary for analyzing evidence, exonerating the innocent, identifying suspects, and supporting the judicial process. ISP’s laboratory system in Coeur d’Alene, Meridian, and Pocatello offers a comprehensive range of services, including biology/DNA, chemistry, trace evidence, toxicology, firearms and tool marks, latent prints, documents, and digital evidence. These services are not just crucial, they are the backbone of crime scene processing, evidence examination, firearms analysis, latent print processing and comparison, impression evidence collection and comparison, trace evidence examination, and digital evidence analysis, ensuring the safety and security of our communities.

ISP’s Forensic Services unit, comprised of 70 dedicated civilian professionals, tirelessly supports law enforcement investigations through analytical expertise and objective testimony. These skilled scientists are also committed to broadening public knowledge of forensic science by engaging with communities through demonstrations, lectures, and educational outreach.

ISP Lab Systems Director Matthew Gamette underscores the vital role of forensic science in our criminal justice system. “The advanced technologies and methodologies employed by ISP are integral to solving crimes, and the dedication of our forensic experts is unmatched. Their work ensures that justice is served and our communities are protected.”

As part of NFSW activities, ISP will highlight several critical topics in forensic science:

Trafficking and Crime Laboratories

  • Fentanyl & Drugs: ISP labs play a crucial role in analyzing and identifying illegal substances, including fentanyl, which is a growing concern in Idaho.
  • Project Safe Harbor: This initiative enhances the capacity to process and analyze evidence related to human trafficking and drug crimes.
  • Jerome & Meridian Labs: These labs are at the forefront of forensic analysis and provide critical support in trafficking cases.
  • NIBIN Grant Terminal: The National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) helps connect ballistic evidence from different crime scenes, aiding in the identification of suspects involved in gun-related crimes.

Database Initiatives

  • DNA Investigative Leads: The ISP DNA database continues to provide investigative leads, helping to solve crimes and identify suspects.
  • Rape Kit Entries: ISP is committed to the timely processing of rape kits, ensuring that DNA evidence is entered into national databases to aid investigations.
  • Lawfully Owed DNA Samples: ISP focuses on collecting and processing DNA samples from individuals legally required to provide them, helping to close cases and prevent future crimes.

Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI)

ISP’s commitment to advancing forensic science is further demonstrated by securing a $50,000 grant to support the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI). This initiative aims to address the backlog of untested sexual assault kits and ensure that survivors receive justice.

Accreditation and Technological Advancements

  • Crime Scene: ISP is working toward accreditation of its crime scene units, ensuring that all evidence collection and analysis aspects meet the highest standards.
  • Randox ToxScreen Instrument: Implementing the Randox ToxScreen Instrument has enhanced ISP’s ability to detect and analyze toxic substances in forensic cases.

Celebrating Our People

  • Teacher of the Year: ISP will recognize an outstanding educator who significantly contributes to forensic science education.
  • Rick Groff Award: The prestigious Rick Groff Visionary Leadership in Forensic Science Award will be presented to an individual who has demonstrated exceptional leadership.
  • Lab Staff: ISP honors the dedicated professionals who work behind the scenes in our labs, providing the expertise and analysis that drive successful investigations.

During NFSW, ISP will host an educational event to inform the public of forensic science’s role in the criminal justice system. A community education presentation will occur at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 17, at Boise State University. The event, which will be streamed online, will feature Canyon County Prosecutor Theodore Lagerwall, who will present a case study on the Daralyn Johnson investigation, highlighting the role of forensic science in solving crimes. This case is a pioneer in the use of forensic genetic genealogy testing.  Awards for outstanding contributions to forensic science will also be announced.

Additionally, the public is invited to take a virtual tour of ISP’s laboratories. This tour provides an inside look at the meticulous processes involved in evidence handling, from receipt and storage to analysis. Learn about blood and breath alcohol testing, controlled substance identification, and the intricacies of DNA analysis. View the tour on YouTube at

NFSW honors the vital work of forensic scientists and educates the public about the essential services they provide to support justice. Join ISP in recognizing these dedicated professionals and the science that helps keep our communities safe.