MOSCOW, ID — The City of Moscow Police Department is investigating a report of a possible sexual assault near Ghormley Park. According to a press release, a patrol officer was alerted by friends of the alleged victim just after 9:00 p.m. last night.
“The victim reported they were walking home to the Wallace Dormitory around 6:00PM near Ghormley Park, which is located at W. Third St. and Home St., when the possible sexual assault occurred. The victim stated a vehicle (unknown make, model or color) pulled next to them and a male (no further description given) forced the victim into the vehicle and proceeded to assault them before releasing the victim and leaving the scene,” MPD says.
From MPD:
MPD is also aware of the Vandal Alert which was sent out by the University of Idaho regarding this report. We at MPD understand the fear associated with these types of communication and want to assure our community that their safety is our top priority. This is especially relevant given the recent discussions among students at both the University of Idaho and Washington State University about a “serial rapist” being in our area. MPD recently released a statement on our Facebook page stating we had no information that indicated there was a suspect assaulting multiple people in our area and Washington State University Police concluded that the reported October 21 assault in Pullman could not be substantiated. At this time, MPD still does not have information which would indicate that there is a suspect who is assaulting multiple people in the area.
MPD recognizes the seriousness of these types of reports and we are working diligently to investigate this case accordingly. We endeavors to investigate these reports thoroughly and to hold criminal actors accountable. MPD asks that anyone with information regarding this incident or if you may have possibly been in the area when this incident occurred, or if you have information on other possible incidents, to please call MPD at 208-882-COPS (2677).
MPD would like to remind everyone in our community to always be vigilant, be aware of your surroundings and if you see something suspicious or if you feel unsafe, or are concerned for the safety of those around you, call 911 immediately.