LEWISTON, ID – Independent School District No. 1 has announced that Lance Hansen has been named the Idaho Superintendent of the Year for 2025 by the Idaho Association of School Administrators, “recognized for his outstanding leadership and commitment to improving education, building relationships, and ensuring student success.”
From the Lewiston School District:
Lance Hansen is known for his unwavering commitment to doing what is best for students at all levels. Jennifer Gomez, Principal at Orchards Elementary, recognizes his dedication to students through his “reflective nature and his work to create a supportive and focused culture of learning throughout the district.”
Mr. Hansen is recognized as a leader with a strong commitment to a system that supports ALL students. He is intuitive about understanding just the right times to question, push, support, encourage, praise, and redirect to meet students' needs. In the words of several throughout the district, “We are making a difference for students and staff every day.”
“I appreciate the approach that he takes with student achievement as a driver for our district,” said Aaron DeLane, Principal of Jenifer Middle School. This data-driven approach provides a structure to meet or exceed goals by focusing on teacher collaboration and adult learning. He has an entire wall devoted to tracking student data, which shows growth in each school’s reading and math scores. All schools follow this example, hosting data walls that track their students’ learning.
Lance Hansen inspires all with his infectious, can-do attitude and depth of knowledge regarding laws, policies, finances, and procedures to ensure student learning for all. Mr. Hansen, through his collaborative work with other leaders in the Valley and those throughout the state, is modeling how to bring all stakeholders into the commitment to safe and equitable learning for all. Jill Bruce of Lewiston Independent Foundation for Education said, “Lance is a great leader for the Lewiston Independent School District! His commitment to education and the value he places on creating and maintaining relationships within the community we live is truly a strength.”
“Under Lance’s leadership, the district has implemented collaborative initiatives that provide students with access to internships, scholarships, and mentorship programs, preparing them for success beyond graduation. One of Lance’s most commendable accomplishments is his commitment to building and unifying relationships throughout our community. He has established and strengthened partnerships with stakeholders, families, and local businesses creating a network of support that directly benefits our students. He represents our community with the utmost professionalism and has made the Lewiston School District a place that other districts strive to emulate.” Staci Baldwin, Lewiston School Board President affirmed confidently.
Lance Hansen, in his fourth year as superintendent, is the 16th Superintendent of Lewiston Independent School District No. 1. He has served the district for 18 years in various roles, including Assistant Superintendent, Principal of Lewiston High School, Assistant Principal of Lewiston High School, and Assistant Principal of Sacajawea Middle School. Mr. Hansen is a proud graduate of Challis, Idaho, and the University of Idaho, where he earned his Bachelor’s degree in Spanish and Math, as well as a Master’s degree and an Education Specialist (Ed.S) degree in Educational Leadership.
The Lewiston Independent School District No. 1 proudly celebrates Mr. Lance Hansen as the Idaho Superintendent of the Year for 2025! Congratulations to him on this well-deserved recognition!