AARP Idaho to Host Town Hall with Idaho House Leadership Tuesday


AARP Idaho is inviting Idahoans to join House Majority Leader Jason Monks and House Minority Leader Ilana Rubel for a statewide telephone town meeting. The one-hour conversation moderated by AARP Idaho state director Lupe Wissel will focus on the legislative session, tax issues, healthcare and other topics important to Idahoans of all ages.


The hour-long conversation begins Tuesday, February 18 at 2pm Pacific Time.


 Participants can join by:

“The Idaho legislative session is in full swing, with many critical issues under consideration that will significantly impact our lives. These forums provide a unique opportunity to engage with our elected officials,  ask questions, and voice your priorities and concerns.” said Wissel.


This is an interactive forum, and participants are encouraged to call and speak directly with Representative Monks and Representative Rubel. Questions may also be submitted ahead of time via email at, or during the Facebook live conversation and on Twitter @AARPIdaho.


This call is open to everyone whether they are an AARP member or not. 


Giving Idahoans a voice on the issues that matter most is a priority and AARP Idaho regularly makes these types of conversations available. With a membership more than 187,000 Idahoans, AARP is the largest organization with a membership in the state and regularly hosts thousands of participants during statewide telephone town hall forums.
