President Biden to visit Boise Monday


President Joe Biden will travel to Boise Monday as part of a trip west to survey wildfire damage.

The President will visit the National Interagency Fire Center as part of his first stop, before traveling to California, and eventually finishing the trip in Denver.

According to White House officials, Biden is seeking to raise awareness of climate change’s impacts on communities. The president will also speak on the economic impacts of extreme weather and the need to invest in infrastructure. He’s also expected to address the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, which has forced some healthcare facilities in the state to implement crisis standards and ration health care.

Biden’s visit marks the first time in six years that a sitting U.S. president has been to the Gem State. The last visit was in January of 2015, when then-President Barack Obama visited Boise State University for his only presidential stop in Idaho. (Idaho Statesman)
