LC State Constitution Day Panel to Discuss Public Education on Sept. 19


 Lewis-Clark State College will celebrate its annual Constitution Day with a panel discussion on public education and politics on Sept. 19 at 6pm to 7:30 p.m. in Sacajawea Hall, Room 115, on the LC State campus.

The event is free and open to the public, and also will held on Zoom.

The discussion will focus on public education and politics, both in the United States and abroad, including how public education is perceived and funded.

Panelists for this year’s event include Lewis-Clark State College professors Kylee Britzman and Leif Hoffmann (both political science), Gene Straughan (criminal justice), Royal Toy (teacher education) and Amanda Van Lanen (history).

The event will also be live on Zoom using the Zoom ID 870 8576 0704 and password 704374. Viewers will be on mute throughout the discussion but can submit questions by typing them in the comments section. Live audience members will also be able to ask questions.

The event is sponsored by the LC State Social Sciences Division.

For more information on the discussion, contact Britzman at or 208-792-2615, or Hoffmann at or 208-792-2818.