AARP Idaho Kicks Off Medicare Open Enrollment


For the state’s roughly 323,000 Medicare beneficiaries, today (Tue),October 15 is an important day.  It kicks off Medicare’s annual open-enrollment period, which runs through December 7 and is the only time of the year people can alter their plans.  With changes taking place in the program this year, Idahoans could find different options in price, coverage, and plans.

To help people navigate Medicare enrollment, AARP Idaho and experts from the Idaho Department of Insurance, including Director Dean Cameron, will hold a live and interactive statewide telephone town hall. Lupe Wissel, AARP Idaho state director will host and moderate the discussion.

The toll-free hour-long call takes place tomorrow (Wed), October 16 at 10:00am Pacific Time.  Participants can join and ask questions by dialing 866-767-0637 or watching live on Facebook at  Questions may also be submitted ahead of time by emailing

“Medicare can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be,” said Lupe Wissel, AARP Idaho state director.  “This call is a great opportunity for Idahoans to speak directly with Medicare experts and get the information they need to make informed open enrollment decisions.”

Medicare beneficiaries who want to make changes to their coverage can do so during open enrollment, which runs from October 15 to December 7.  Open enrollment also provides an ideal time for people to talk with their doctors about their prescription drugs and potentially lower cost options.

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