Idaho Department of Lands Announces New State Forester


Julia Lauch has been designated as Idaho’s State Forester. The state forester is the leading advocate for the management of Idaho’s forests, limiting damage from insects, disease, and fire and ensuring compliance with the Idaho Forest Practices Act.

Lauch will oversee IDL’s Forestry and Fire Division which manages wildland fire suppression, forestry assistance, and various forestry and fire management initiatives, including the Good Neighbor Authority, Shared Stewardship, and Forest Legacy programs.

Lauch has 20 years of forestry and fire experience with state natural resource agencies and has spent more than a decade with IDL. The State Forester role is delegated by IDL’s Director, Dustin Miller.

“It’s an honor to step into this role. I appreciate the trust placed in me by Director Miller and look forward to embracing this new challenge,” said Idaho State Forester Julia Lauch. “I believe in the importance of active forest management, safe and effective fire management, and ensuring that our forests continue to provide numerous benefits for Idahoans. Unlike some states, Idaho has the forest products industry infrastructure vital to keeping our forests healthy and productive.”

“Julia’s experience with forestry and fire along with her leadership and management skills made her my choice for Idaho’s State Forester,” said IDL Director Dustin Miller. “I am thrilled to have her in this position and expect great things.”

Lauch will be based out of the IDL Boise staff office.

Lauch spent 11 years with the Oregon Department of Forestry prior to joining IDL in 2011 as an Assistant Fire Warden and then as the first South Idaho Fire Liaison, responsible for establishing the Rangeland Fire Protection Associations (RFPAs) in Idaho.

She spent two years as an IDL Regional Operations Chief before taking 2 years off to stay home with her children while they were young. She returned to IDL 2020 to the position she’s in today, Deputy Fire Bureau Chief – Operations.

Lauch received her Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Management from Oregon State University.

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