Walla Walla County has received more than $108.5 million to complete the final section of the U.S. 12 four-lane highway from Wallula to Nine Mile Hill.
The project will replace the current two-lane undivided highway with a four-lane divided freeway segment. The expanded four-lane road will include the construction of four-foot shoulders and a 42-foot median and reroute’ s truck traffic away from the center of Wallula. Additionally, roadside safety features such as guardrails and crash cushions will be installed, and intersection and roadway geometry will be improved to meet current standards. The Port of Walla Walla estimates that this increased capacity will help it attract nearly $10 billion in private investment and 2,000 jobs to its Wallula Gap Business Park.
The U.S. 12 expansion project began in 2003. Officials say completing the new section of highway will benefit residents, businesses, and the traveling public through improved safety, capacity, and mobility. In addition, the regional transportation system between the Tri-Cities and Walla Walla will better support the agriculture and wine industries and other freight traffic critical to Eastern Washington’s economic vitality.