The LHS Safe & Sober committee is doing a fundraiser. The prize is a 2020 Polaris Sportsman 450 from Guy Outdoor Sports. The proceeds from the sale of the raffle will help with the 2021 Safe and Sober Graduation party.
Buy tickets at the following locations:
Perfection Tire
 Northwest EngravingÂ
A&B Foods
Les Schwab in the orchards.

The prize will be awarded at the last LHS Football home game.
You do not have to be present to win. The winner is responsible for all taxes, licensing, and registration.
On July 15th Dominoes Pizza in the Orchards is going to sponsor us. We get 20% of the proceeds for any food that is purchased that day from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
I am not sure if we should say how much % we are getting.